Spencer Counselling

Counselling & Couples Therapy IN GUILDFORD, FARNHAM AND ONLINE

My Philosophy

Whatever challenge life throws at us, I believe we all have the potential to deal with it successfully, move on and lead a happy life. I consider the most important foundation to successful counselling is the relationship between the counsellor and client. Being in a trustful, open and supportive relationship allows the client to really get to understand themselves, explore all of their unique and individual strengths and how they can best deal with and work through the concern at hand.

This is all done at the client's pace and is never rushed. I focus on what is happening with the client in the present. Sometimes it is important to talk about the past but only how it is affecting the client’s experience.

How I work

We can meet for as many sessions as is helpful. I can offer face to face counselling but also counselling via telephone or Video Conferencing. I work with clients aged 16 and older. The first session is an opportunity for me to understand what brought you to counseling and for you to ask me whatever you wish to ask. We can then decide together whether or not I can be of help.

Sudden endings whilst working through challenging issues is not always in the best interest of the client. I always recommend taking at least one (or more) sessions to do a proper ending. However, it is up to client when they choose to leave counseling.

Counseling is entirely confidential. However, it is necessary for me to take all my client work to a qualified supervisor who helps me provide the best counseling. The only other exception would be if I considered a client would seriously harm themselves or someone else. I would always seek to discuss this with the client, explain why and agree a way forward wherever possible.

There are many different types of counselling. The best is the one that suits the client at the time. I work mainly with the Person Centred, Gestalt, Transactional Analysis orientations of counseling which I integrate according to my client's individual needs. I also use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - tapping, if appropriate for my clients. I can offer either short term or long term counseling according to my client's needs.


Below are some quotes from Fritz Perls, the founder of Gestalt therapy and Eric Berne, the founder of Transactional Analaysis and Claude Steiner, another notable Transactional Analyst. Also a quote from the brief Solution focused therapist Steve De Shazer.

The Gestalt prayer: I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations , and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, its beautiful. If not, it can't be helped.

Frederic Salomon Perls

Lose your mind and come to your senses.

Frederic Salomon Perls

Awareness requires being in the here and now and not in the elsewhere, the past or the future.

Eric Berne

Develop the wise art of being radically truthful and remaining considerate, thoughtful and safe.

Claude Steiner

Emotional Freedom Techniques work by reconnecting your mind with your bodies messages , restoring harmony where before stress and anxiety, or other unwanted feelings and negative states, may have prevailed.

Sue Beer & Emma Roberts, Step by Step Tapping

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