Spencer Counselling

Counselling & Couples Therapy IN GUILDFORD, FARNHAM AND ONLINE

My Training & experience

My Qualifications and Professional Body

My qualifications are:

  1. Advanced Diploma in Humanistic Counselling;
  2. Diploma in Practical skills for Eating Disorders (National Centre for eating Disorders - NCFED)
  3. Certificate in couples counseling (Heartsworks).
  4. Advanced (Level 3) Practitioner in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - tapping (EFT Centre, London)
  5. Teacher of yoga based meditation (Brahmrishi Mission UK).
  6. Diploma in Clinical Supervision (The Awareness Centre)

I can incorporate EFT and meditation into my counselling practice with clients if appropriate.

My Professional Body memberships are:

  1. Accredited Certified Level 3 Practitioner with EFT International.
  2. Accredited member of the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists (NCIP).

My Experience

I have experience of working in Sam Beare and Woking Hospice hospices and The Fountain Centre in Guildford with clients experiencing bereavement and life limiting illness. I currently offer counselling to members of "Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide" (SOBS). I have worked with male and female survivors of rape and sexual abuse at Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC) in Guildford. I have also worked with a number of other different issues, for example relationship counselling, whilst working for different organisations. I currently work in private practice and provide short term counselling for anxiety and depression for the NHS. .

I worked for 25 years in Government organisations and this included being a team leader where I gained significant experience in staff management and dealing with the stresses of the corporate work. I draw upon this experience when counselling clients who are dealing with work related stress and other corporate pressures.

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